Crypto Daijin

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Oda Nobunaga

Takahashi Korekiyo

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Abe shinzo

【Shinzo Abe(Shinso Abe?):The long term daijin ?】 第90, 96, 97, 98代内閣総理大臣。自由民主党所属。政治一家に生まれる。第一次安倍内閣は志半ばで退任することとなる。第二次安倍内閣は発足してから長期政権となり、内閣総理大臣として歴代最長の任期を全うした。天性の人たらしとして世界のトップと親密な仲を築く。選挙活動中に暗殺され、志半ばにしてこの世を去った。 The 90, 96, 97, 98th Prime Minister of Japan. Member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Born into a political family. In the first cabinet, he left office without fulfilling his ambition. The second cabinet became a long-term government, and he served the longest term… Continue reading Abe shinzo

Obuchi Keizo

【Keizo Obuchi (Keiso Obuchi ?):The “HEISEI” daijin ?】 第84代内閣総理大臣。自由民主党所属。「人柄の小渕」と呼ばれる人格者。不況の最中に発足した政権で、経済政策に力を入れた。突然病に倒れ、志半ばでこの世を去ることとなる。 The 84th Prime Minister of Japan. Member of the Liberal Democratic Party. He is a man of character, known as the “Obuchi of good personality.” The government was established in the middle of a recession and focused on economic policies. Suddenly, he died of illness without… Continue reading Obuchi Keizo

Koizumi Junichirou

【Jyunichiro Koizumi (Jyunichiro Koisumi ?):The playhouse daijin ?】 第87, 88, 89代内閣総理大臣。自由民主党所属。郵政民営化をどうしてもやりたかった人。自身のキャラクターや話題性を提供することでマスコミを巧みに利用した劇場型政治で国民の人気は高かった。 The 87, 88, 89th Prime Minister of Japan. Member of the Liberal Democratic Party. He really wanted to privatize the postal service. He was very popular with the people because of his theatrical politics that provided his own character and buzz and skillfully used… Continue reading Koizumi Junichirou